I've decided to do monthly giveaways on Buttons and Lace, and since my birthday is this Saturday, February 19th, I just couldn't resist!
One of my lucky followers will win this:
It's a pack of 12 handmade cupcake toppers- pinwheels! They are made of recycled literature, toothpicks, and vintage buttons! You can also find these at my Etsy shop- Honey and Vanilla.
Here's how to enter:
MANDATORY ENTRY: You MUST become a follower of my blog via Google Friend Connect, located on the right side of my blog, and leave a comment telling me that you became a follower. If you're already following, tell me that too! If you do not do this, your entry/other entries WILL NOT be counted- (1 entry)
For extra entries:
-Add one or both of my shops (Honey and Vanilla & Buttons and Lace) to your favorites on Etsy and leave a comment telling me you did so- this is worth 2 entries, so be sure to leave 2 separate comments if you favorite both (up to 2 entries)
-"Like" my Facebook page for Honey and Vanilla (www.facebook.com/honeynvanilla) and leave a comment saying you did so (1 entry)
- make a purchase from either of my shops- leave 5 separate entries for each purchase and give me your Etsy name so that I can confirm your purchase(s)-(5 entries for each purchase)
Please don't forget to leave your email address in your comment so that I have a way to contact you for your mailing information!
These giveaways are open to residents of the U.S. and Canada. I will use a random number generator to choose the two winners.
All comments will be moderated.
Comments will be closed on Saturday, February 26, 2011 at 12:00 pm Eastern Time.
Thanks for participating and good luck!
I am a new follower now of your blog!
I hearted Honey and Vanilla on Etsy! butler83
ReplyDeleteI hearted on Button and Lace on Etsy - butler83
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower, your cupcake toppers are so cute, I'd love to win them. :)
I liked your FB page. :)
I hearted buttons and lace on etsy.
I hearted honey and vanilla on etsy.
i am following your blog via google friend connect. my username is sugarbombbakery@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletei also favorited your shop on etsy (username: SugarbombBakery).
ReplyDeleteI also favorited these toppers on etsy (username: SugarbombBakery).
ReplyDeleteHi Meg! Happy Birthday...my Husband shares your day! How wonderful it's on a Saturday this year :)
ReplyDeleteI've just become a happy follower....please enter me into your lovely giveaway :)
I added Honey and Vanilla to my favorites on Etsy this is my first favorite because I just signed up!
I hearted buttons and lace on etsy!
I liked on facebook!
ReplyDeleteI follow via GFC.
janay at janaygreen.com
Honey and Vanilla is my favorite on etsy (as janaygreen)
janay at janaygreen.com
Buttons and Lace is my favorite on Etsy (as janaygreen)
janay at janaygreen.com
I liked you on Facebook (as Janay Green)
janay at janaygreen.com
I'm a follower of your blog!
ReplyDeletewow my birthday is also 2/19 XD. I met 2 people with the same birthday as me within a year. Must be some luck! I just became a follower :D . username is somnia
ReplyDeleteI liked ur Facebook page
ReplyDeleteoops i forgot to leave my email in the 2 previous entries >_<
ReplyDeletei favorited ur honeyandvanilla shop
hi_rubychan at yahoo.com
i favorited ur Buttons and Lace shop
ReplyDeletehi_rubychan at yahoo.com
I followed your blog!
ReplyDeletedixon.kirsten.louise (at) gmail (dot) com
Kirsten Dixon
I favorited Buttons And Lace on etsy!
ReplyDeleteSky Peach Shop
dixon.kirsten.louise (at) gmail (dot) com
Kirsten Dixon
I favorited your Honey And Vanilla shop on etsy!
ReplyDeleteSky Peach Shop
dixon.kirsten.louise (at) gmail (dot) com
Kirsten Dixon
I liked Buttons and Lace on facebook :)
ReplyDeletedixon.kirsten.louise (at) gmail (dot) com
Kirsten Dixon
Very cute! Thanks. follow joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
ReplyDeletehearted Honey and Vanilla follow joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
ReplyDeletehearted buttons and lace. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net (sorry if I said this twice! I'm not sure if it took it the first time. :-) )
ReplyDeleteI Faved your Honey&Valinna
ReplyDeleteKimbermurray AT gmail DOT com
I faved your shop Buttons and lace.
ReplyDeleteKimbermurray AT gmail DOT com.
I am now following this blog via google!
ReplyDeletekimbermurray AT gmail DOT com.
Ive 'liked' you facebook page! Great stuff I love it!
ReplyDeletekimbermurray AT gmail DOT com.
I am new follower-jenniferb
I (heart) honey and vanilla etsy shop- sewjennib